अगर आपके जीवन में कोई परेशानी है, जैसे: बिगड़ा हुआ दांपत्य जीवन , घर के कलेश, पति या पत्नी का किसी और से सम्बन्ध, निसंतान माता पिता, दुश्मन, आदि, तो अभी सम्पर्क करे. +91-8602947815
Showing posts with label Nakshatra Astrology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nakshatra Astrology. Show all posts

Panchang पंचांग

 पंचांग- पाँच अंग है, 
1. तिथि
2. वार
3. नक्षत्र
4. योग 
5. करण। 

इसकी गणना के आधार पर हिंदू पंचांग की तीन धाराएँ (पद्धति) हैं- 
1. चंद्र आधारित
2. नक्षत्र आधारित 
3. सूर्य आधारित  ।

(1)चंद्र आधारित:-
एक वर्ष में 12 महीने होते है, और प्रत्येक महीने में 15-15 दिन के दो पक्ष होते हैं- कृष्ण पक्ष और शुक्ल पक्ष। 
कृष्ण पक्ष में चंद्रमा की कलाएं घटती है और शुक्ल पक्ष में चंद्रमा की कलाएं बढ़ती है। 
दो पक्षो का एक माह और छ माह का एक अयन होता है। और दो अयनों क्रमशः उत्तरायण और दक्षिणायन को मिलाकर एक वर्ष होता है। 
मकर संक्रांति को सूर्य उत्तरायण हो जाएगा मतलब गर्मियों में पूरे से उत्तर की ओर खिसका रहता है और सर्दियों में थोड़ा दक्षिण की तरफ खिसका रहता है। 

नक्षत्र:- नक्षत्रों की संख्या 27 है, जो इन दो अयनों की राशियों में भ्रमण करते रहते है। माना जाता है कि ये 27 नक्षत्र असल में दक्ष प्रजापति की पुत्रियां ही है, जो चन्द्रमा से ब्याही गई थी। 27 नक्षत्रों के नाम इस प्रकार है- चित्रा, स्वाति, विशाखा, अनुराधा, ज्येष्ठा, मूल, पूर्वाषाढ़, उत्तराषाढ़, श्रवण, घनिष्ठा, शतभिषा, पूर्वाभाद्रपद, उत्तराभाद्रपद, रेवती, अश्विनी, भरणी, कृतिका, रोहिणी, मृगशिरा, आर्द्रा, पुनर्वसु, पुष्य, अश्लेषा, मघा, पूर्वाफाल्गुनी, उत्तराफाल्गुनी और हस्त। ज्योतिषियों द्वारा एक अन्य ‘अभिजीत’ नक्षत्र भी माना जाता है।

चंद्रवर्ष के अनुसार, जिस भी महीने की पूर्णमासी को चन्द्रमा जिस नक्षत्र में रहता है, उसी नक्षत्र के नाम पर उस महीने का नाम रखा गया है जो इस प्रकार है:- 

चित्रा नक्षत्र के नाम पर चैत्र मास, विशाखा नक्षत्र के नाम पर वैशाख, ज्येष्ठा के नाम पर ज्येष्ठ, आषाढ़ा के नाम पर आषाढ़, श्रवण के नाम पर श्रावण, भाद्रपद के नाम पर भाद्रपद, अश्विनी के नाम पर अश्विन, कृतिका के नाम पर कार्तिक, पुष्य के नाम पर पौष, मघा के नाम पर माघ और फाल्गुनी के नाम पर फाल्गुन मास। 

वार:– वार संख्या में 7 होते है। सात वारों के नाम इस प्रकार है:- सोमवार, मंगलवार से रविवार तक। वारों के नामकरण में होरा की भूमिका है |

तिथि:- तिथियों की संख्या 16 है जो इस प्रकार है:- प्रतिपदा, द्वितीया, तृतीया, चतुर्थी, पंचमी, षष्टी, सप्तमी, अष्टमी, नवमी, दशमी, एकादशी, द्वादशी, त्रयोदशी, चतुर्दशी, पूर्णिमा और अमावस्या। 
जैसे की पहले ही ऊपर बताया गया है, एक मास में 15-15 दिनों के दो पक्ष होते हैं। प्रतिपदा से लेकर चतुर्दशी तक की तिथियां दोनों पक्षों में आती हैं। प्रतिपदा से लेकर से लेकर अमावस्या तक कृष्ण पक्ष रहता है, और प्रतिपदा से लेकर पूर्णिमा तक शुक्ल पक्ष रहता है। 
प्रत्येक तिथि की अवधि 19 घण्टे से लेकर 24 घण्टे तक की होती है। 

सूर्य- चंद्र कि विशेष दूरियों की स्तिथियों को योग कहते हैं। 
जो संख्या में 27 हैं। 
इनके नाम इस प्रकार है- विष्कुम्भ, प्रीति, आयुष्यमान, सौभाग्य, शोभन, अतिगण्ड, सुकर्मा, धृति, शूल, गण्ड, वृद्धि, ध्रुव, व्याघात, हर्षण, वज्र, सिद्धि, व्यतिपात, वरीयान, परिघ, शिव, सिद्ध, साध्य, शुभ, शुक्ल, ब्रह्म, इंद्र और वैधृति। 

27 योगों में से, विष्कुम्भ, अतिगण्ड, शूल, गण्ड, व्याघात, वज्र, व्यतिपात, परिघ और वैधृति कुल 9 योगों को अशुभ माना गया है तथा सभी प्रकार के शुभ कामो में इनसे बचने की सलाह दी जाती है। 

करण:- एक तिथि में दो करण होते हैं। एक पूर्वार्ध में और एक उत्तरार्ध में। 
कुल 11 करण होते हैं- बव, बालव, कौलव, तैतिल, गर, वणिज, विष्टि, शकुनि, चतुष्पाद, नाग और किस्तुघ्न। विष्टि करण को ही भद्रा कहा गया है। 

भद्रा में शुभ कार्य वर्जित माने जाते है। 

तिथियां संख्या में १६ होती है जो इस प्रकार है:- प्रतिपदा, द्वितीया, तृतीया, चतुर्थी, पंचमी, षष्टी, सप्तमी, अष्टमी, नवमी, दशमी, एकादशी, द्वादशी, त्रयोदशी, चतुर्दशी, अमावस्या और पूर्णिमा। 
सबसे पहले तो यह जानिए की “तिथि” होती क्या है। चंद्रमा की एक कला को “तिथि” कहा जाता है। चंद्रवर्ष के अनुसार एक महीने में १५-१५ दिनों के दो पक्ष:- कृष्ण तथा शुक्ल पक्ष होते है, शुक्ल पक्ष को ही सुदी कहते है, और कृष्ण पक्ष को बदी। दोनों पक्षो को मिलाकर एक चंद्रमाह में ३० तिथियां होती है। यहाँ थोड़ी सी जानकारी भ चक्र या राशि चक्र के बारे में भी ले लेते है। राशि चक्र तारामंडलों का वह समूह है जो उस मार्ग पर आते है जिस मार्ग से सूर्य एक वर्ष में खगोलीय गोले का एक चक्कर लेता है, इस चक्र को १२ बराबर भागों में बांटा गया है, जो १२ राशियां है। प्रत्येक राशि का मान ३० अंश होता है। इस प्रकार राशि चक्र में ३६० अंश होते है, और एक महीने में तिथियों की संख्या ३०, अतः ३६०/३०= १२ अंश की एक तिथि होती है। 
तिथि का मान चंद्रमा और सूर्य के अंशों में अंतर करने पर आता है। चंद्रमा अपने परिक्रमण पथ पर एक दिन में १३ अंश आगे बढ़ता है वहीँ सूर्य एक दिन में एक अंश आगे बढ़ता है, जिससे सूर्य से चंद्रमा की दूरी १३-१ = १२ अंश की होती है। 
यह सूर्य और चंद्रमा की गति का अंतर है और यही “तिथि” है। 
चंद्रमा की अनियमित गति के कारण कभी कभी यह अंतर इतना हो जाता है कि एक ही वार में दो या तीन तिथियों का स्पर्श हो जाता है, तब बीच वाली तिथि का लोप माना जाता है और उसे “क्षय तिथि” कहा जाता है। 
इसी प्रकार असंतुलित गति के कारण ही कभी कभी एक ही तिथि में दो या तीन वारों का स्पर्श भी हो जाता है, तब उसे “वृद्धि तिथि” कहते है। तिथियां सूर्योदय से सूर्योदय तक नही होती, बल्कि एक निश्चित समय से दूसरे दिन एक निश्चित समय तक रहती है। 
प्रत्येक तिथि की अवधि समान नही होती। तारीख़ तथा वार २४ घण्टे के होते है, लेकिन तिथि सदा २४ घण्टे की नही होती, तिथि में वृद्धि-क्षय होते है। 
कभी कभी एक ही तिथि दो दिन हो जाती है, तो कभी एक दिन में ही दो तिथि भी हो जाती है। इसका कारण यह है कि तारीख़ तथा वार, सौरमान से होते है किन्तु तिथि, नक्षत्र और योग चंद्रमान से होते है। 
सौरमान से जहाँ एक सौरदिन २४ घण्टे का होता है वहीँ एक चंद्रदिन लगभग २४ घंटे ५४ मिनट का होता है। 
सौरमान और चंद्रमान में लगभग ५४ मिनट का अंतर होता है, इसीलिए तिथि में वृद्धि या क्षय होना स्थान विशेष के सूर्योदय पर निर्भर करता है। 
वृद्धि और क्षय, दोनों ही प्रकार की तिथियां अतिनिन्दित मानी गई है, इनमें मंगल कार्य वर्जित कहे गए है। 
तिथि निर्णय जिस कर्म का जो काल हो, उस काल में व्याप्त तिथि जब हो तब उस कर्म को करना चाहिए। 

तिथि की वृद्धि-क्षय से ज्यादा फ़र्क नही पड़ता। सूर्योदय से मध्यान्ह तक जो तिथि न हो, वह खंडित माननी चाहिए, उसमे व्रतों का आरंभ अथवा समाप्ति नही करनी चाहिए। 
एकादशी व्रत के लिए सूर्योदयव्याप्त तिथि लेनी चाहिए। यदि दो दिन एकादशी में ही सूर्योदय हो रहा हो तो व्रत दूसरे दिन करना चाहिए। जिस तिथि में सूर्योदय हो, उसे पूर्ण तिथि मानते है।

दैवकर्म में पूर्णाहव्यापिनी, श्राद्धकर्म में कुतुपकाल (८ वाँ मुहूर्त) व्यापिनी तथा रात्रि(नक्त) व्रतों में प्रदोषकालव्यापिनी तिथि लेनी चाहिए। 

तिथियों की संज्ञा तिथियों की पांच संज्ञाएं मानी गई है जो इस प्रकार है- 
नंदा, भद्रा, जया, रिक्ता और पूर्णा। 
1. प्रतिपदा, षष्टी और एकादशी, ये “नंदा” तिथि है।
2. द्वितीया, सप्तमी और द्वादशी, ये ” भद्रा” तिथि है। 
3. तृतीया, अष्टमी और त्रयोदशी, ये “जया” तिथि है। 
4. चतुर्थी, नवमी और चतुर्दशी, ये “रिक्ता” तिथि है। 
5. पंचमी, दशमी, अमावस और पूर्णिमा, ये “पूर्णा” तिथि है। 
सिद्धा तिथि सिद्धातिथि सब दोषों का नाश करती है, और भक्तिभाव से किए गए सभी कार्य सिद्ध करती है। 
1. प्रतिपदा, षष्टी और एकादशी, अगर “शुक्रवार” को हो, 
2. द्वितीया, सप्तमी और द्वादशी, “बुधवार” को हो, 
3. तृतीया, अष्टमी और त्रयोदशी, “मंगलवार” को हो, 
4. चतुर्थी, नवमी और चतुर्दशी, “शनिवार” को हो 
5. पंचमी, दशमी, अमावस और पूर्णिमा, “गुरुवार” को हो तो ऐसी तिथियों को “सिद्धा तिथि” माना जाता है। 

तिथियों के फलाफल:- 
प्रतिपदा सिद्धि देने वाली है, द्वितीया कार्यसाधन करने वाली है, तृतीया आरोग्य देने वाली है, चतुर्थी हानिकारक है,पञ्चमी शुभ देने वाली है, षष्ठी अशुभ है, सप्तमी शुभ है,अष्टमी व्याधि नाश करती है, नवमी मृत्यु देने वाली है, दशमी द्रव्य देने वाली है, एकादशी शुभ है, द्वादशी-त्रयोदशी सब प्रकार की सिद्धि देने वाली है, चतुर्दशी उग्र है, पूर्णिमा पुष्टि देने वाली है तथा अमावास्या अशुभ है। 

नन्दा तिथि खुशियों को बढ़ाने के लिए उपयुक्त मानी जाती है इसलिए यह मनोरंजन पार्टी और मूवी रिलीज आदि से सम्बन्धित कार्यों के लिए शुभ फलदायी होती है. भद्रा से भाग्य का विचार किया जाता है और यह स्वास्थ्य, सफलता, नई नौकरी एवं व्यवसाय की शुरुआत तथा किसी महत्वपूर्ण व्यक्ति से मुलाकात के लिए शुभ होती है. जया तिथि उच्च अंक से सफलता, जैसे- प्रतियोगिता, परीक्षा तथा मुकेदमेबाजी के लिए शुभ होती है. रिक्ता तिथि अशुभकारी फलों को शुभ बनाने तथा किसी चीज से छुटकारा पाने, जैसे- सर्जरी दुश्मनों के खात्मा और कर्ज से मुक्ती के लिए उपयुक्त होती है. इसी तरह पूर्णा तिथि परिपूर्णता तथा बहुलता के सन्दर्भ में शिक्षा. खेती आदि के लिए शुभ फलदायी होती है.

 नन्दा, भद्रा, जया, रिक्ता और पूर्णा. 1-6-11 तिथि को नन्दा तिथि कहते हैं यह तिथि खुशी को दर्शाती है. 2-7-12 तिथि को भद्रा कहा जाता है वृद्धि को दर्शाती है. 3-8-13 जया तिथि कही जाती हैं, इनमें विजय की प्राप्ति होती है. 4-9-14 रिक्ता तिथि होती हैं यह अधिक अनुकूल नहीं होती हैं. 5-10-15 पूर्णा तिथियों में आती हैं यह शुभता को दर्शाती हैं.

ग्रहों की जन्मतिथि सप्तमी- सूर्य की, चतुर्दशी- चन्द्रमा की, दशमी- मंगल की,द्वादशी- बुध की, एकादशी- बृहस्पति की, नवमी- शुक्र की,अष्टमी- शनि की, पूर्णिमा- राहु की तथा अमावास्या केतु की जन्मतिथियाँ हैं, इन्हें शुभ कार्य में वर्जित करनी चाहिये।

Mrigashira Nakshatra

Mrigashira Nakshatra 

Mrigashira Nakshatra: Range 23°20’ Taurus - 06°40 Gemini) 

Ruling Planet: Mars
Deity: Soma, The Moon God.
Symbol: Deer (Antelope’s) head.
Gana (nature): Deva (God).
Animal symbol: female serpent.
Sounds: vay, vo, kaa, ke.
Primary motivation: moksha (spiritual liberation).

Mrigashira Nakshatra comes under in the domain of planet Venus (Taurus 23°20) and mercury (Gemini 06°40) ruled by planet Mars. It consists of three faint stars near the head of constellation of Orion. Mrigashira is the fifth Nakshatra called ‘’The Searching Star’’ marking the beginning of search, the ruling planet mars reflecting the spiritual warrior searching for truth. The first half of the Mrigashira is placed in the constellation of Taurus the bull. This part is ruled by Venus is very creative, the native is very poetic and have musical talent. mrigashira nakshatra help individual to manifest their idea into the material plane. This is very good for producing beautiful and creative things. The second half of mrigashira which resides in Gemini is very good in writing, and public speaking. The person may also be very clever, curious, research oriented. The symbol for Mrigashira is an antelope’s head. Antelope is elusive, quick, graceful, agile, and represented as a golden deer. Thus it can be a search for the golden deer that gets caught in the form of comforts and pleasures of worldly life chasing after non-existent things that can only be held in the moment. People born with this nakshatra prominent often have the face of a deer. Another animal is female serpent, representing the sensual and seductive nature. Mrigashira represents quick radical change, and searching for enlightenment. 

The Deity is Soma, the Moon God who imparts the divine nectar of ever-new bliss. It has a deva temperament and moksha or spiritual liberation as its primary motivation. It is an excellent asterism for research of religious or philosophical truths. The shakti of Mrigashira is the “power to give fulfillment”. Mrigashirsha Nakshatra is joyful and makes life more attractive. Mrigashira individuals search within the creation for satiation and usually find it. Main motive is they search for to fulfil their desire and enjoy the creation. Mrigashira individuals are gentle, peaceful, sensitive, and perceptive in nature. They are sincere in their behavior towards others and expect that others should also behave in the same way. They are always curious and so are good travelers, investigators, researchers and collectors and they make good public speakers and communicators. 

In Hindu mythology a story connected with mrigashira nakshatra. This story reveals a shadow side of soma the deity, and his attraction to Jupiter’s wife Tara. Soma seduced Tara and eloped with her. This caused tremendous uproar which made the Gods intervene and return Tara to Jupiter, however by that time Tara was Pregnant with moon’ child, the child name budha or mercury. In the Vedas, it is written, ‘’out of the moon, the mind was born’’. That is analytical mind of mercury is create out of the perceptual mind of the moon. Jupiter was aware of Budha's illegitimate birth, but Jupiter found Mercury charming and agreed to accept him as his son and decide to father him anyway. From Jyotish point of view, this can be interrelated as involvement of sexual seduction, birth of illegitimate child and reunion of family after a mishap. Natives of this nakshatra are pleasure seeking, the way Soma sought after Tara's company and they are on a look out for some kind of sensational relationships.

The shadow side of this lunar mansion can be an indulgence in pleasure. Seeking comfort and pleasure, in life, sensory attachments to strong materialistic things and craving for sensation. a fickle nature may also be observed in the Gemini half of Mrigashira. 

Mrigasira Nakshatra Pada 1: Falls in Leo Navamsa and is ruled by Sun. This pada has the ability to express its experiences through creative and artistic activities.

Mrigasira Nakshatra Pada 2: Falls in Virgo Navamsa ruled by Mercury. This pada represents the discriminatory, calculative, good mental ability, and humorous side of Mrigashira.

Mrigasira Nakshatra Pada 3: Falls in Libra Navamsa ruled by Venus. This pada is related to sociability exploring the mental side of all types of relationships. 

Mrigasira Nakshatra Pada 4: Falls in Scorpio Navamsa ruled by Mars. This pada relates to the intellectual, argumentative, suspicious, flaky and whimsical part of this nakshatra. Most of the negative qualities of Mrigashira find expression through this pada. It can function wisely only in evolved souls and through proper guidance.

Ascendant in Mrigasira Nakshatra: Attractive, seductive nature, mystical, seeker of truth, face of a deer, enthusiastic, talkative, good speech, daring, active mind, mental vacillation, love of travel.

Sun in Mrigasira Nakshatra: Adventurous, courageous, architect, competitive, leadership, authority figure, poetic, writing skill, jack of all trades, creative, indulgent nature, laziness. 

Moon in Mrigasira Nakshatra: They are pleasant spoken, intelligent and affectionate to their mother. Self-sacrifice, sensual and beautiful. They are gentle, tender and peaceful, sensual and romantic.

Mars in Mrigasira Nakshatra: Strong determination, enthusiastic, stubborn, sensual, high sexy drive, courageous, passionate, risk taking,

Mercury in Mrigasira Nakshatra: The mercury in Mrigashirsha indicates a person who is restless and nervous, and constantly searching for something. Quick, and have beautiful handwriting skills.

Jupiter in Mrigasira Nakshatra: Intelligent and knowledge seeking, truthful, handsome, enjoy wealth and prosperity, natural traveler, researcher, and spiritual. 

Venus in Mrigasira Nakshatra: Indulgent in sensual pleasures, wealthy, beautiful, poetic, interest in music, dance, seductive, fond of good food, and may involve in erotic love affair,

Saturn in Mrigasira Nakshatra: Lack efficiency in their work, cunning, arrogant and stubborn. On positive side they often become inclined towards spirituality and seek spiritual depths of life. 

Rahu in Mrigasira Nakshatra: Rahu will begin, to search for materialistic pleasure. Rahu’s intellectual search for the answers we seek externally are not enough and at that point the inner journey can start.

Ketu in Mrigasira Nakshatra: Ketu in Mrigasira shows a past life where an intellectual search into the realities of life began. This is an opportunity for the soul to give it up its material entanglements and move towards self-realization.

Bharani Nakshatra

Bharani Nakshatra

Bharani Nakshatra: Range 13° 20 aries - 25° 40 degree aries.
Ruling planet: Venus
Deity: yama, god of death, sakti.
Symbol: yoni (female sex organ).
Gana (nature): manushya (human).
Animal symbol: male elephant.
Sounds: li, lu, ley, lo.
Primary motivation: artha, material prosperity.

Bharani Nakshatra comes under in the domain of planet Mars (Aries) and ruled by Venus.
Bharani is second lunar mansion. This lunar mansion called ‘’the star of restraint’’. Bharani also means ‘’bearing’’ which indicate the need for hard work and discipline. So Bharani Nakshatra shows the quality of Aries that is disciplined, controlled and discipline, enthusiastic and energetic. The animal symbol of this star is male elephant which reflect the ability to carry the burden of humanity.  The deity of Bharani is yama, the god of death, the stepbrother of Saturn. He is the agent of lord shiva. The “yama” means “control” refer to yogic practice such as breath control, hatha yoga, and meditation.  The deity yama which is god of the soul’s course where it experience the result of its karma from the present life and prepare for the life to come. Yama is the deity of discipline and sacrifice. The story of yama-nachiketa is a particularly an exposition of the hospitality of yama, his sense of dharma and knowledge of it, his superb honesty and great integrity and other divine virtues. The Moon in Bharani is about truthfulness, self-sacrifice, remove impurities, creative and dharmic in approach. They have a strong sense of adventure in the fields they pursue.

The shadow side of Bharani is the person have struggle and suffering in life. The native can be restless, irritable, and impatient. Pride, arrogance, and resentment may be experienced here. Due its Mars and Venus effect the person can be indulgent in sexuality, vanity and narcissism. The native may be moralist, judgmental, and carry everything in extreme. As this Nakshatra ruled by yama the fierce deity, this gives instant result any bad deeds of the person leads to the confinement or punishment instantly.

Bharani is a daughter of daksha and wife of chandra who is a goddess of good luck is often associated with wealth, worldly love and the form of the goddess lakshmi. Bharani natives usually have large, expressive eyes, a prominent head, and medium sized lips and have protruded teeth, have an unpleasant smile.

Bharani pada 1: falls in Leo navamsa ruled by Sun. It relate to creativity, self-centric
And have good drive. Have strong will-power side of the Nakshatra.  

Bharani pada 2: falls in Virgo navamsa ruled by Mercury. It relate to service and hard work. Good organizational skill is seen here and restless side of the Nakshatra.  

Bharani pada 3: falls in Libra navamsa ruled by Venus. It relate to the ability to interact and harmonize with people. Being a pushkara navamsa pada it allows for fulfillment of one's desires.

Bharani pada 4: falls in Aries navamsa ruled by Mars. It relate to it can be a highly inventive and explosive energy. Uninhibited and excited side of Nakshatra.  

Ascendant in Bharani: these people medium height, hardworking, courageous, pioneering, proud, confident, and have good health. They have interested in sports, hunting, and firework,

Sun in Bharani
Sun exalted in aries. These people are intelligent, have leadership quality, authority, militant nature, and power. They are tactful, creative, but have issue with anger and pride. The Sun here bring fame, name and prosperity.

Moon in Bharani
These people are attractive, charismatic, and have leadership quality. They are dutiful, clever in doing their work, have investigative mind, healers and interested in occult science.

Mars in Bharani
These people are passionate, aggressive and have strong sexual desire. They are interested in fashion, design, beauty, and hotel management.

Mercury in Bharani  
They people speak in an energetic and passionate way. They can be relationship experts, dating gurus, romance advisors, matchmakers, authors, comedians, and can be actors.

Jupiter in Bharani
This marks a passionate person who seeks knowledge through relationships and sensuality. They are good passionate teachers who teach with passion. They are good at designing and creativity.

Venus in Bharani
These people are passionate, sensual and have strong sexual desire. They are interested in fashion, design, beauty, and food business.

Saturn in Bharani
Saturn is debilitated in Bharani. Saturn is cold planet and Bharani is hot Nakshatra. Saturn not able to perform good it just frustrates the person in career matters. But a person can be good in construction, building, and manufacturing.

Rahu in Bharani
Rahu in Bharani nurturing and caring. The person practicing yama and niyama, the person has capacity to use this power whichever way it wants.

Ketu in Bharani
Ketu is hidden and detached planet. Ketu in Bharani is not interested in sexual activities or this could simply as an inability to express one’s sensuous side or there may have more negative energies.

Bharani career interest
Publisher, writer, film and music industry, oculist, psychic, hypnotist, astrologer, psychologist, entrepreneurs, and building contractor.

Ashlesha Nakshatra

Ashlesha Nakshatra 

Ashlesha Nakshatra
Range: 16°40 Cancer -30°00 Cancer.
Ruling planet: Mercury
Deity: Naga god, the serpent king. 
Symbol: Coiled serpent
Gana (nature): Rakshasa (demon).
Animal symbol: male cat.
Sounds: Dee, doo, day, do.
Primary motivation: dharma right activity.

Ashlesha Nakshatra is the mystical ninth Nakshatra it falls in the sign of Cancer, domain of planet Moon and ruled by planet Mercury. It consists of six stars in the constellation of hydra, the female serpent. Ashlesha Nakshatra is called the entwine. It is called the "clinging star" with desire ‘’to embrace’’ or ‘’entangle’’ the object upon which it is focused. This lunar mention is symbolized by a coiled snake and its deity is ahi, the naga or serpent of wisdom. Ashlesha present the kundalini or serpent fire which is located at the base of spine. When activated this energy can bring mystical power. Ashlesha people may have snake eyes. These people are philosophical, thoughtful independent, penetrating, and have intelligent mind. These people have some magnetic attraction within them. They can be sensual and seductive in nature. The shadow side of this Nakshatra is they are emotionally turbulent, worry, fear, melancholy and mental instability. They may have anger and hot temper, sensitive mind and nervous system. They have eating disorder problem, not able to make discipline in food habits. Ashlesha people cannot tolerate any personal humiliation. Ashlesha is the battleground between emotions and intellect.
A tight embrace brings difficult lessons. These people learn to cultivate a sense of gratitude and courage to face reality of life. As Ashlesha falls in the sign of Cancer, ruled by the Moon it can give deep emotions that when observed in meditation can bring great insight and devotion to a higher path.  

Ashlesha Nakshatra pada 1: falls in Sagittarius namasa, ruled by Jupiter, it relate to most hard work in life, dealing with enemy and disease side of the Nakshatra.

Ashlesha Nakshatra pada 2: falls in Capricorn namasa, ruled by Saturn, it relate to ambitious side and dealing with people, tricky and deceit in nature side of the Nakshatra.

Ashlesha Nakshatra pada 3: falls in Aquarius namasa, ruled by Saturn, it relate to occult side, involve in scheming and plotting, secrecy side of Nakshatra.

Ashlesha Nakshatra pada 4: falls in Pisces namasa, ruled by Jupiter, it relate to all kind of illusion, in this pada the person most likely tricked by others. They hardly show their true nature.

Ashlesha on the ascendant: sensual, capable of much exertion, and service oriented. Manipulative and deceptive in nature

Sun in Ashlesha: stubborn, business oriented, and have good communication skill.

Moon in Ashlesha: mystical nature, astrological knowledge, intuitive and need to watch diet.

Mars in Ashlesha: Mars is debilitated in Ashlesha. Aggressive, quick thinker and argumentative in nature.

Mercury in Ashlesha: Manipulative, calculative and shrewd businessman.

Jupiter in Ashlesha: Intelligent, good in academics, full of wisdom, and communicative.

Venus in Ashlesha: Venus may become entangled and enmeshed in unhealthy relationships, because Moon is emotional and devotional. It expresses unconditional and selfless love like mother. Venus is romantic and conditional love. When Venus comes under the Moon's influence it may become more emotional and unable to maintain good boundaries which require in healthy relationship.

Saturn in Ashlesha: emotions thoughts, communication, are disciplined, organized, and structured.

Rahu in Ashlesha: clever, scientific, and mind is filled with lots of ideas.

Ketu in Ashlesha give good result when aspected by Jupiter. The person is highly spiritual in nature. 

Purva Ashadha Nakshatra

Purva Ashadha Nakshatra 

Purva Ashadha Nakshatra: Range 13° 20’ Sagittarius - 26° 40’ Sagittarius.
Ruling Planet: Venus
Deity:  Apas, Varuna, God of rain,
Symbol: Fan, Winnowing Basket.
Gana (nature):  Manushya (Human).
Animal Symbol: Male Monkey.
Sounds: Bu, Dhaa, Pha, Dha.
Primary motivation:  Moksha (Spiritual Liberation).

Purva Ashadha Nakshatra comes under in the domain of planet Jupiter (Sagittarius) and ruled by planet Venus. Purva Ashadha is the twentieth Nakshatra called ‘’The Invincible Star’’. Purva Ashadha resides entirely within constellation of Sagittarius and consist of two stars ( Kaus Borealis and Kaus Australis) which form the Archer’s bow.  The symbol is a fan or a winnowing basket, which rids corn of the husks. The ruling planet Venus reflecting the popularity of a person around a lot by the public. Purva Ashadha means “early victory” or the “undefeated, the unsubdued”. It is a creative, nurturing and healing Nakshatra . The natives are very proud with ability to influence and empathize with masses. This asterism is very productive and usually brings fame, wealth, and wisdom. Purav Ashadha people are very philosophical and spiritual in nature. Their primary motivation is spiritual liberation or moksha. Purvashadha brings about purification and regeneration through early victory in life. these people have an independent nature with many friends to supports to their aspiration in life.

The Deity is Apas, the Cosmic Waters depicted as the casual waters spreading in all direction and giving rise to the affair of humanity.  Varuna, is also mentioned residing deity due to its protection of the seas and the giving rain. God varuna pervades all things, representing the inner law of higher truth. This also relate to the concept of spreading one’s name and fame throughout world. Venus gives the power of intuition and other higher forces to the person. This greater sensitivity and alertness are the most important qualifications for transformation and for the spirituality. One exceptional result of Purvashadha is the discovery of new possibilities. Many unknown and unexpected possibilities come to light. These are all symbolized by the tusk of an elephant. The tusk is the most valuable part of an elephant's body, a sort of externalization of the inner possibilities of the animal. Divine wisdom, hidden knowledge may be revealed, and intuitive power can be seen in this nakshatra. This asterism may be regarded as God's grace which produces confidence, pride and self-praise.

The Shadow side of this lunar mansion is excessive pride and egocentric nature. Exhibiting over-expansive nature, and do whatever they like, doing things without considering others opinion. They are good debater and can defeat anyone in arguments. They can become obstinacy to the extent of not submitting to others demand. Mental aggression and self-deception can be seen. Purification and cleansing of the pride and ego can be attained if natives surrender to the God’s will.

Purva Ashadha Pada 1: Falls in Leo Navamsa and is ruled by Sun. This pada brings spiritual, pride and confidence and have a strong sense of ethics.

Purva Ashadha Pada 2:  Falls in Virgo Navamsa ruled by mercury. This pada relates to the intellectual and alchemical aspect of this nakshatra.

Purva Ashadha Pada 3: Falls in Libra Navamsa ruled by Venus. This pada is easy going, luxury loving, and good for material gain.

Purva Ashadha Pada 4: Falls in Scorpio Navamsa ruled by Mars. This pada is haughty, secretive, hidden, and mysterious aspect of this nakshatra.

Ascendant in Purva Ashadha Nakshatra: Proud nature, position of high respect, faithful to their mate, humble, many friends and children, strong interest in law and politics

Sun in Purva Ashadha Nakshatra: Leadership skills, philosophical, political interests, recognition and fame, humanitarian concern, and have attractive persona.

Moon in Purva Ashadha  Nakshatra: Charming and good looking, have fiery and stable emotions, have philosophical view, steady in friendship, loyal.

Mars in Purva Ashadha Nakshatra: Ambitious, adventurous, fearless, interest in sports, competitive, zealous, can also be confrontational, angry and harshly spoken.

Mercury in Purva Ashadha Nakshatra:  Boastful speaking attracted to the Studies of occult philosophy and sciences may have interest in writing poetry.    

Jupiter in Purva Ashadha Nakshatra: God fearing, philosophical, honest, humble, charitable, highly religious and always interested in religious acts.        

Venus in Purva Ashadha Nakshatra: Friendship oriented, playful, love traveling, explore world cultures and sincere in love.                                

Saturn in Purva Ashadha Nakshatra: highly principled, conservative, high moral, too strict in approach, narrow-minded when it comes to philosophy or religion.

Rahu in Purva Ashadha Nakshatra: Rahu in Purva Ashadha develops knowledge and wisdom through life experiences, and searching for moksha and self-realization.

Ketu in Purva Ashadha Nakshatra: Ketu in Purva Ashada try to find out true light and inner wisdom through spiritual journey.  

Sharvana Nakshatra

Sharvana Nakshatra 

Shravana Nakshatra: Range 10°00’ CApricorn - 23°20' CApricorn
Ruling Planet: Moon
Deity: Vishnu, SaraSwati
Symbol: An ear, Three Footprints. 
Gana (nature): Deva (God). 
Animal symbol: Female monkey. 
Sounds: ju, jay, jo, gha. 
PriMary motivation: Artha, material prosperity. 

Shravana Nakshatra Comes under in the domain of planet Saturn (Capricorn ) and ruled by planet Moon. Sharavna Nakshatra is the twenty second Nakshatra consists of three bright stars in the head of Eagle known as Aquila. These stars are known as Alpha-Aquilae (Altair), Beta-Aquilae (Aishain) and Gamma-Aquilae (Tarazed). These three stars forms three foot prints of the Lord Vishnu. People born in this Nakshatra are great listeners and develop wisdom by listening and link people together by connecting them to their appropriate paths in life. This is the star of listening, also called the "Star of learning". The symbol is “the Ear”. Hearing becomes very important for this Nakshatra. They are always questing for knowledge and information and can be very intellectual. They make great teachers, or perpetual students. Counseling is a gift or they have the ability to truly listen. Their sense   of hearing can be very acute and sensitive. They are very traditional and want to uncover knowledge of the   ancient history. They are active, hardworking, and devoted to seek truth in all of their endeavors. They are usually fond of travel and May spend time living and studying in foreign land. Politicians are under a strong influence of this Nakshatra. 

The Deity of Sharvana is Lord Vishnu the perseverance of the Universe. Vishnu, the preserver among the Trinity. It is because of this strong relationship with Vishnu that this Nakshatra gets its strong organizational ability, which is normally associated with the sign of CApricorn. It allows one to be able to listen, assimilate and contemplate on a Problem to arrive at the Solution and does not believe in hurrying with things and is ready to Sit and wait until the time is ripe. Fame and recognition in the world often result here. This lunar mansion also associated with Goddess of learning ‘’SaraSwati’’. She is called flowing one who brings knowledge, music, and eloquence. Sharavana rules positions of worship and service to humanity. They can be excellent writer and teachers.  Sharvana also connected with pipal tree where Gautam Buddha attained Enlightenment through listening to the voice of divine within. Sharvana people need more time to solitude and alone so that they find the truth of life. They live the motto that ‘’seclusion’’ is the price of greatness. 

The shadow side of Shravana Nakshatra is their restless, rigid, obstinate nature.  Due to their restless nature they travel extensively, usually in a pursuit of knowledge. Sharvana also means “The lame’’ these people seems to be trouble and disappointments early in life, and May have some disabilities. They lack confidence but with age they slowly regain their sense of self-confidence. Listening and participating in gossip are common, even though they are extremely sensitive and hurt as a well. These people can be very clever and selfish nature. These people have enemies due to their highly jealous nature. They likes to excessive order in things which can be problematic. They May experience disillusionment in early life as they explore the world of Maya. Their priMary motivation is materialistic pursuit, once they attain their financial security they look for enlightenment and spiritual liberation. They need to learn to listen more to others, or pay attention to their own inner voice in order to grow or progress in life. 

Shravana Pada 1: Falls in Aries Navamsa ruled by Mars. This pada relate to more logical, initiative ambitious, and career conscious. 

Shravana Pada 2: Falls in Taurus Navamsa, ruled by Venus. This pada relates to those involved in organizational aspects of the entertainment industry, especially the music business. 

Shravana Pada 3: Falls in Gemini Navamsa, ruled by Mercury. This pada relate to which is flexible, and cunning, they can work in the mass-media and other communication oriented occupations. 

Shravana Pada 4: Falls in falls in Cancer Navamsa, ruled by Moon. This pada relates the most to those holding important public offices or those in lunar-occupations like hoteliers etc. 

Ascendant in Shravana Nakshatra: Want rank in career, interested in scholarly work, May live from birth place, structure and organized. 

Sun in Shravana Nakshatra: Practical, organized, conservative, ego problem, difficulties with boss, rebellious, political and interest, 

Moon in Shravana Nakshatra: Over possessive mother, restless mind, mystic nature, Clever, moody, and have gloomy nature. 

Mars in Shravana Nakshatra: Have good patience, goal oriented, well controlled behavior. 

Mercury in Shravana Nakshatra: Interested in learning old scriptures, slow in communication, and speak less. 

Jupiter in Shravana Nakshatra: Good in creativity, interested in learning, classical singing, and spiritual in nature. 

Venus in Shravana Nakshatra: Strict, not open, fearful, and cold in love, career oriented, like to enjoy at workplace. 

Saturn in Shravana Nakshatra: Delays in career, Practical, focused, interested in politics, and reputation conscious. 

Rahu in Shravana Nakshatra: Fearful, but here the mind has to learn the lesson of equilibrium and peace. Rahu finds it difficult to sit still for long enough to hear the sounds of silence. 

Ketu in Shravana Nakshatra: Have good intuition power, good at silence and meditation; want to connect with universal consciousness. 

Remedy: Those who suffering bad effect from affiliation to this Nakshatra should worship Lord Vishnu. 

Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra

Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra

Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra: Range 03° 20 pisces - 16° 40 Pisces.
Ruling Planet: The Saturn
Deity: Ahir Budhayana, serpent or dragon of the deep sea; Lakshmi.
Symbol: Twins, back legs of funeral cot, snake in the water.
Gana (nature): manushya (human).
Animal symbol: female cow.
Sounds: du, jham, jna, tha.
Primary motivation: Kama desire.

Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra comes under in the domain of planet Jupiter (Pisces) and ruled by Saturn. Uttara Bhadrapada is the twenty sixth Nakshatra called ‘’The Warrior Star’’. UttaraBhadrapada, consist of two bright stars, Pegasus, and Andromeda. Which form remaining two legs of the bed combined with previous Nakshatra PurvaBhadrapada.
The ruling planet Uttara Bhadrapada is planet Saturn therefore Uttara Bhadrapada people usually have more discipline and self-control over their emotions and behaviour. They possess the ability to endure pain and anger. As this astrium name is ‘’The Warrior Star’’ these people are powerful and able to care for and protect those close to them. Uttara Bhadrapada means ‘’the later one with lucky feet’’. Or the beautiful left foot. Which are connected with sign of of pieces which represents the love for travel to faraway places. Uttara Bhadrapada is to bring the cosmic rain.  

The Deity of Uttara Bhadrapada is Ahir Bhudnyana Serpent of the deep sea. Ahir Bhudnyana is an auspicious serpent or naga that is associated with part of Lord Shiva’s army, which reflects the warrior nature of this lunar mansion. Uttara Bhadrapada has a human, or manushya temperament with a primary motivation of kama, or healthy pleasures. As these people evolve they can become completely detached from all forms of materialistic desire and pursue spiritual life. This Nakshatra represents fertility and kundalini power energy. People have curios and good psychic ability. Because of Saturn and Jupiter influence of this Nakshatra these people generally have priest like quality that reflect their spiritual growth in life. These people are generally happy, cheerful, charitable, generous and wealthy.  

A woman born with Uttara Bhadrapada as her birth star is considered blessed by the goddess Lakshmi, the goddess of prosperity and luxury. The animal symbol is the sacred female cow of India. Uttara Bhadrapada women said to be ‘’gem of her family. ’’ these are affectionate, generous and is a good helper in bad circumstances. Her nature is forgiving. She is careful in any work she undertakes. She never indulges in silly or irrelevant discussions and will always answer straight to the point.

The shadow side of this mansions is having a fiery quality like previous Nakshatra but in milder form. They have issues with anger, passion, and aggression. These people can be very secretive, cunning, with a tendency of gossiping. If afflicted the person can be lazy, careless, and irresponsible nature and the native May indulge in some kind of addiction. Although they are warriors if angered they can defeat anyone. Due to Saturn's energy they have delay and breaks in success. They need solitude to accomplish their spiritual as well as worldly goals.

Uttara Bhadrapada Pada 1: falls in Leo Navamsa and is ruled by Sun. It represents the active, illuminating, proud and achievement oriented side of this Nakshatra.

Uttara Bhadrapada Pada 2: falls in Virgo Navamsa ruled by Mercury. This relates to the analytical, calculative and planning side of this Nakshatra. It tends to find wisdom in small things.

Uttara Bhadrapada Pada 3: falls in Libra Navamsa ruled by Venus. This relates to the passive, balance seeking and balanced side of this Nakshatra.

Uttara Bhadrapada Pada 4: falls in Scorpio Navamsa ruled by Mars. This relates to the occult, mysterious and hidden aspect of this Nakshatra. This pada can go to extreme depths of confusion or depths of wisdom.  

Ascendant in Uttara Bhadrapada: Have heavy and long built, Attractive physical appearance, good at speech, mild in nature, interested in occult science, have humanitarian nature, love for family, and have traveling in life.

Sun in Uttara Bhadrapada: intelligent, witty, creative, peaceful nature, generous and charitable work, mystical mind, hardworking, spiritual, can be cunning and secretive.

Moon in Uttara Bhadrapada: attractive, peaceful looks, virtuous, good at heart, service oriented, clever in speech, seeks emotional stability and security.

Mars in Uttara Bhadrapada: good in organization skill, peaceful spiritual warrior, and good at yoga and for any healing yogic practice. 

Mercury in Uttara Bhadrapada: Mercury is debilitated in this Nakshatra, showing his organizational skills and intellectual discrimination is compromised.

Jupiter in Uttara Bhadrapada: Jupiter in own sign very powerful for wealth and spiritual learning. Good at meditation and gaining wisdom of life.  

Venus in Uttara Bhadrapada: Venus is at highest potential very loving, spiritual and sacrificing in nature.  

Saturn in Uttara Bhadrapada: interested in mystery of life, good at meditation and spiritual practice. Likes to be in solitude.  

Rahu in Uttara Bhadrapada: Rahu is in Pisces ruled by Jupiter but in a Nakshatra ruled by restrictive Saturn. Attain wisdom to face all this adversity in search of its spiritual roots.

Ketu in Uttara Bhadrapada: Pisces is the end of the spiritual journey and Ketu in Uttara Bhadra indicates a past life where we almost completed this aim. A person May reach a time in their life where he became one with universal consciousness. The native is very spiritual in nature.       

Professions: Yoga teacher, Meditation Experts, Counselors, Therapists of all types. Shaman, Healers, Practitioners of Tantra and other Occult Sciences. Those working in Charity Organizations; Researchers; Philosophers, Poets, Writers, Musicians and Artists.

Hasta Nakshatra

Hasta Nakshatra 

Hasta Nakshatra: Range 10°00 Virgo - 23°20 Virgo  
Ruling Planet: Moon
Deity: Savitar, The Sun God.
Symbol: Palm of the Hand.
Gana (nature): Deva (God).
Animal symbol: Female Buffalo
Sounds: pu, sha, na, thaa.
Primary Motivation: Artha, material prosperity.

Hasta Nakshatra comes under in the domain of planet mercury (virgo) and ruled by planet Moon. Hasta is the thirteen Nakshatra called “The golden handed one ’’. The symbol for this nakshatra is the palm of the hand. Hasta is formed by five stars (fingers) in the constellation of Corvus, the crow. It is observed in the sky as an open hand giving blessing to humanity. The ruling planet is the Moon and in the sign of Virgo ruled by Mercury reflecting the very mental, creative intelligence and good speech who promotes creativity and transforming energy. Hasta people usually have a pleasant humorous temperament. Hasta’s people have great dexterity and skilled with their hands.  They are good in arts and craftsmanship. Hasta gives the ability to achieve goals in a complete and immediate manner. They have an industrious, hardworking and service oriented nature. Hasta is the most optimistic and creative nakshatra.

The Deity is ‘’SAVITAR’’ the meaning of this is “The first ray of the of the Rising Sun’’. Savitar has jovial nature, lighthearted type of persona. He always portrayed with laughing gesture. He is a playful deity into all kinds of trick, amusement and games. Savitar is supposed to be extremely skilled with hands. This makes Hasta directly associated with everything done with hands. Its ability to manifest what we are seeking and to place it in our hands”. A powerful healing intelligence that can remove ignorance is possible here. Hasta promotes the practice of meditation, yoga, and other practical methods of self-development. They know how to win over the other party, hence these people can be good diplomats or are suitable for any profession.  These people have good power and strength to withstand confrontation. They can carry out the responsibilities assigned to them through their all-round knowledge and efforts. These people are interested in all kinds of sports both related with mind or physical games.

The Shadow side of this lunar mansion is cooperation in order to achieve the intended goal. This cooperation however has very little to do with friendship, as there is a distinct lack of trust. It is no wonder that shaking hands is the most commonly bonding but it also reflect the modern obsession with cooperation without trust.  A flexible, and chameleon like quality to change and take on new shapes can be seen here. Hardships, impediments and restraintment may occur early in the life. Lack of success until person focused on the spiritual path. Health issues may occur due to the sensitive nature. Virgo is the most vulnerable sign of the zodiac with related to the health issues. A crafty trickster, taking pleasure in lying, gambling and fraud, critical, and cunning, personality can be developing here.

Hasta Nakshatra Pada 1: Falls in Aries Navamsa and is ruled by Mars. This pada gives abundant energy, and makes one an expert at mathematics and in surgical skill.

Hasta Nakshatra Pada 2:  Falls in Taurus Navamsa ruled by Venus. This pada relates to the artistic side and the native is honest and cheerful.

Hasta Nakshatra Pada 3: Falls in Gemini Navamsa ruled by Mercury. This pada is the most dextrous and clever. The native is intelligent.

Hasta Nakshatra Pada 4: Falls in Cancer Navamsa ruled by Moon. This pada focus on family life, promote material security.

Ascendant in Hasta  Nakshatra: Highly flexible and supple bodies capable of handling a variety of manuals jobs, likeable, sociable, entertaining, attractive, respected, and humanitarian.

Sun in Hasta Nakshatra: Influential, practical, Love for knowledge, and writing, skills with hands, attention to details, and have good analytical ability.  

Moon in Hasta Nakshatra: Creative, smiley faces, attractive, open Hearted, friendly, moody nature, sensitive, excellent memory and Acts according to the circumstances.

Mars in Hasta Nakshatra: Determine, goal oriented, protective, discipline, work for social-welfare, stubborn and feels frustrated.

Mercury in Hasta Nakshatra:  Business mind, Intelligent, good analytical power, good at writing, and expert in communications.

Jupiter in Hasta Nakshatra: Interest in astrology, and the occult science, good teacher, healers, and good in palm reading.

Venus in Hasta Nakshatra: Artistic in nature, sweet speech, sincere,  Interest in listening music, healers, self-healers, good in cooking and household work.

Saturn in Hasta Nakshatra: Practical, clever, organized aptitude for trade, tenacious, inclined toward intoxication, and can write things for long hour.  

Rahu in Hasta Nakshatra: effort. Rahu placed in Hasta emphasizes the attempts of man to try to control his destiny through his own efforts. Due to intellectual part of Hasta can restrict the spiritual growth of the native through fear and mistrust.

Ketu in Hasta Nakshatra: Ketu in Hasta brings a lot of frustrations into this life but the essence of this placement is the ability to recognize life beyond its present restrictions. Here ketu deals with the conflicts of the mind and its illusions.

Rohini Nakshatra in Astrology

Rohini Nakshatra in Astrology

Rohini Nakshatra: range 10°00 Taurus - 23°20 Taurus.  
Ruling planet: Moon
Deity: god brahma, prajapati.
Symbol: chariot, temple, banyan tree.
Gana (nature): manushya (human).
Animal symbol: male serpent.
Sounds: oh,va,vee, vo.
Primary motivation: moksha (spiritual liberation).

Rohini Nakshatra comes under in the domain of planet Venus (Taurus) and ruled by Moon. Rohini is the fourth lunar mansion. Rohini Nakshatra, is the favorite Nakshatra of the Moon. The deity of Rohini is prajapati, lord brahma, the creator of the universe, who can bestow everything so we should be careful what we want. Rohini is translated to mean the ‘’red one’’ or the ‘’red cow’’ or ‘’the growing one’’. It is located near the pale rose star of aldebaran. It consist of five stars in the head of the Taurus the bull. Taurus is the earthy sign related with energy of where we experience the beauty and joy of life and we can be settled and peaceful and calm. Rohini Nakshatra allows for growth and creation on all levels, bestowing great creativity. The Moon is in Rohini is about contentment, peace and being happy.

The shadow side of Rohini is the person is desirous and attached to love ones, and favorite objects and indulgence and materialism of life. This is the nature of Taurus, it can bring attachment, and greediness, too much of comfort and love and it can be problematic. The native can be stubborn, short temper, critical nature and have issues with jealousy.

Rohini is the Moon favorite Nakshatra of the Moon. People born in this Nakshatra have large, clear and expressive eyes, feminine features, thick lower lip, and smiling face. They are beautiful, sensual, charming, graceful and prosperous.

Rohini pada 1: falls in aries navamsa ruled by Mars. It relate to passionate and carnal nature. The focus on indulgence and extravagance side of the Nakshatra.  

Rohini pada 2: falls in Taurus navamsa ruled by Venus. It relate to abundance and resourceful and fulfilment of desire and too much indulgence in materialism of the life.

Rohini pada 3: falls in Gemini navamsa ruled by Mercury. This relate to art, science and business, and this the most flexible and jovial side of the Nakshatra

Rohini pada 4: falls in Cancer navamsa ruled by Moon.  This relate to focus on home and material security, and excessive possessive and narrow minded side of the Nakshatra.

Ascendant in Rohini: attractive, magnetic eyes, charismatic, wealthy, popular romantic, artistic, sex symbol, sensual nature, indulgent, and sexual addiction.

Sun in Rohini

beautiful, seductive, sensual, artistic nature, poietic, musical gift, robust nature, liked by many people.
Moon in Rohini  
wealthy, lovely appearance, balanced mind, good in singing, and drama, famous, and well built physique.  
Mars in Rohini
Passionate in love and relationships, desire for pleasure, sex, and comfort. They are active in their social circle and liked by most of the people. 
Mercury in Rohini
Very creative mind, emotional, intelligent, and expressive through art, beauty, and fashion, interested in acting, designing, interior decoration, and music. 
Jupiter in Rohini
There is a great love for the creative arts, culture, history. It shows the expansion of love, food indulgence, and beauty at a higher and more spiritual level. 
Venus in Rohini
Having loving, sensual, peaceful, content, and joyful nature. Have proportionate good physics and beautiful in appearance. 
Saturn in Rohini
having solid, realistic and grounded future materialistic stability. Saturn in Rohini people health, wealth resist to change. 
Rahu in Rohini
too much of materialistic desires nature, chase material comfort and pleasure. Rahu in Rohini can become a relentless search to experience love in many directions. They search for a partner through whom they can find the ultimate answers of true love and happiness that their soul want. 
Ketu in Rohini
Ketu is uncomfortable of Rohini’s passionate nature. They both aim is for moksha,but the expression differs. Ketu will feel debilitated in Rohini, indicating a past life of luxury and pleasure that the soul was never at ease with.

Purva Phalguni Nakshatra

Purva Phalguni Nakshatra 

Purva Phalguni Nakshatra: Range 13° 21 Leo - 26° 40 Leo.  
Ruling Planet: Venus
Deity: Bhaga, The God of prosperity, Shiva lingam.
Symbol:  Swinging Hammock,couch, two front legs of a bed.  
Gana (nature): Manushya (human).
Animal symbol: Female Rat.
Sounds: mo, taa, tee, too.
Primary Motivation: Kama, Desire.

Purva Phalguni Nakshatra comes under in the domain of planet Sun (Leo) and ruled by planet Venus. Purva Phalguni is the Eleventh Nakshatra called ‘’The Former Reddish One’’. Purva Phalguni is formed by two stars, Leonis and Zosma which are found at the rear flank of the Lion.  Purva Phalguni means ‘’The Fruit of the Tree’’.  The symbols associated with this asterism are a swinging hammock, reflecting a place of rest and recuperation. This is creative nakshatra is ruled by the planet Venus denoting brilliant skills in the fine arts and a love of pleasure. A person have youthful, carefree exuberant nature with full of life. The primary motivation experienced here is kama or pleasure. it is a lunar mansion of fulfilment, good luck, wellbeing, and pleasure that healing and revitalizing. Great wealth and gifts in the fine arts are acquired here. These people have attractive, and have ability to influence others and deal sweetly with people.

The Deity is Bhaga, the God of Prosperity, and good fortunate. Bhaga protect marital happiness and bestow family inheritance. It gives the power of procreation (prajanana shakti). Lord Shiva started on his marriage procession under this nakshatra.  The shiva lingam is also a symbol of this powerful and creative nakshatra. They have a human or manushya temperament.  The Purva Phalguni is a highly creative Nakshatra with many artists and musicians as its natives. There is a predisposition to being overly sensual and fascinated by sexuality. These natives seem to create something of value while in partnership, not necessarily romantic partnership. When they create alone, it is most often unbalanced. They are kind, generous, and loyal, and are seldom alone.

The Shadow side of this lunar mansion is vanity, laziness indulgent, and narcissism. an interest in black magic or left handed tantra may occur.  this nakshatra can be fierce or severe in nature if it is afflicted. These people want change, shows an impulsive and disturbed mind. They crave for stimulation and sensual excitement. A promiscuous nature with an addictive personality may occur. A showy image that reflects arrogance and pride can be seen here. These people must learn to control their sensory attachments and cultivate generosity, humility, kindness, and loyalty to those close to them.

Purva Phalguni Pada 1: Falls in Leo Navamsa and is ruled by Sun. This pada brings ego or I problem. Matured soul can handle that.

Purva Phalguni Pada 2:  Falls in Virgo Navamsa ruled by Mercury.This pada relates to the hard work and soberness. The emphasis here is trade and enterprise.

Purva Phalguni Pada 3: Falls in Libra Navamsa ruled by Venus. This pada is more indulgent as well as creative. the emphasis here is is on travel, harmony, relaxation, refinement, counselling, creation and applications.  

Purva Phalguni Pada 4: Falls in Scorpio Navamsa ruled by Mars. This pada has an extremely intensified emotions, home, family life, self-reflection, and personal velour.   

Ascendant in Purva Phalguni Nakshatra: Good looking, interest in music, dance, drama, sensual, charismatic, creative, healthy, have balanced nature.

Sun in Purva Phalguni Nakshatra: Have good leadership qualities and government position, regal qualities, confidant, self-employed, generous natured.  

Moon in Purva Phalguni Nakshatra: Creative intelligence, love of drama and entertainment, love for beauty, and sweet spoken.

Mars in Purva Phalguni Nakshatra: Courageous, athletic abilities enjoy sport, wanderer, seeks self-importance, enthusiastic, love for romance, and interest in opposite sex.

Mercury in Purva Phalguni Nakshatra:  Interest in business, stock market, entertainment, amusement, and have good teaching skill.

Jupiter in Purva Phalguni Nakshatra: Wealthy, prosperous, good married life, interest in old scripture and occult science.

Venus in Purva Phalguni Nakshatra: Fond of sex, loves for beauty, arts, theatre, romantic relationships,     glamorous travel, and luxurious.                                                     
Saturn in Purva Phalguni Nakshatra: Confidence problem, hidden enemies, obstacle or delay in career, distant relationship with father.  

Rahu in Purva Phalguni Nakshatra: Rahu’s here can work in two ways. It either enjoys the pleasures or becomes relentlessly engaged in a search to find the pleasures in life.

Ketu in Purva Phalguni Nakshatra: Ketu here shows a past life or childhood where the person enjoyed the fruits of its karma, but Ketu will always be uncomfortable with the good life because ketu looking for enlightenment.

Purva Phalguni people have unique habits either they raise their eyebrow or wink their eyes while talking.  

Pushya Nakshatra

Pushya Nakshatra 

Pushya Nakshatra: range 03° 20’ Cancer - 16° 40’ Cancer.  
Ruling planet: Saturn
Deity: brihaspati, lord of sacred speech,
Symbol: flower, a circle, an arrow, the udder of cow.
Gana (nature): deva (god).
Animal symbol: male sheep.
Sounds: hoo, hay, ho, daa.
Primary motivation: dharma, right activity.

Pushya Nakshatra comes under in the domain of planet Moon (Cancer) and ruled by planet Saturn. Pushya Nakshatra is considered to be the most auspicious nakshatra in all the nakshatra. Pushya Nakshatra is the eighth lunar mansions. It is seen as a triangle of three faint stars, north and south aselli, and cluster m44. It is pictured in the sky as two donkeys or ‘’little asses’’ feeding in the manager or ‘’the crib’’ in which Jesus once lay. The symbols for this asterism are a lotus, and the udder of the sacred cow. The sign of Cancer, ruled by the Moon, represents the maternal aspect of providing milk and nurturance to her children. It has a deva temperament with the primary motivation of dharma or right action. The shakti of Pushya is “the ability to create spiritual energy”. The word Pushya means to strengthen, to fortify, "to nourish" and that again means to preserve, to protect, replenish, multiply and strengthen. Pushya Nakshatra increases our good karma and good efforts. The person born under this Nakshatra has a healthy body, obeys his parents, affectionate, endowed with intelligence, learned, wealthy, charitable, productive and caring. Pushya Nakshatra  people are good teachers, helpful to relatives, and respects views of others etc

The ruling deity is brihaspati (Jupiter), the god of divine wisdom, sacred speech, and prayer. Jupiter becomes exalted in Pushya Nakshatra, reflecting, intuitive wisdom, good fortunate, powerful speech,and purification of the psyche. The value of this Nakshatra for religious and spiritual practices. Pushya is considered the most auspicious of the lunar mansion for spiritual maturity. The ruling planet is Saturn which brings stability and enables creativity to fruity into entirely new forms. A vibrant peacefulness . Faith in oneself, and fullness of life can occur in this Nakshatra. It is laghu Nakshatra which is good for starting a business or opening an office. The archetypal symbol of this Nakshatra is flower, circle, and an arrow. The flower represents the ‘’act of blossoming’’ that is experienced here. The circle reflects the wholeness, with the arrow representing the attempting possibility of attaining to hit the target. These people are stable, peaceful, easy going personalities, prosperous, well educated, popular, virtuous, nice looking, forthright, intelligent and wise.

The shadow side of this lunar mansions is having can be overly rigid, selfish jealous, pride, and arrogant. These people need to discriminate in their choice of friends. Pushya has the power to overcome the negative influence and assert benefic nature. They can be quickly disheartened by criticism and May doubt their own worth due to opinion of others, insecurity and strong attachment to family can inhibits their growth. Although this Nakshatra is auspicious but not good for Marriage ceremony due to its eight number in sequence of Nakshatras. A girl born on this star will have praiseworthy habits and be charitably inclined;
Calm, beautiful, prosperous, have devotion nature towards family, enjoys life in a Decent
Residence, respects relations. It’s a good Nakshatra.

Pushya Nakshatra Pada 1: Falls in Leo navamsa and ruled by Sun. This pada concerns itself with achievement, limelight, wealth and pride in one's family or ancestry. The person is charitable.

Pushya Nakshatra Pada 2: Falls in Virgo navamsa and ruled by Mercury. This pada relates to the hardworking, service aspect of Pushya finds expression here. The person is intelligent.

Pushya Nakshatra Pada 3: Falls in Libra navamsa and ruled by Venus. This pada is more focus on the home, comforts, luxury and sociability. The person is loved by kith and kin and have jovial nature.

Pushya Nakshatra Pada 4: Falls in Scorpio navamsa and ruled by Mars. This pada relates to the esoteric side of Pushya, which seeks connections with the celestial beings in the other world. It is the pada of mantras and rituals. The person is easily provoked and short tempered.

Ascendant in Pushya Nakshatra: Humanitarian, thoughtful nature, eloquence in speech, religious, intuitive knowledge, and have good status,

Sun in Pushya Nakshatra: Authoritative figure, wealthy, interest in politics, successful, sensitive, artistic nature, need for security.

Moon in Pushya Nakshatra: Learned, good speech, composed mind, virtuous, wealthy, have interest in politics, and liked by all people.

Mars in Pushya Nakshatra: Mars is not in unfriendly Nakshatra. Indecisive in nature, short tempered, diplomatic, cunning, stubborn, restless, May choose bad company need to careful.   

Mercury in Pushya Nakshatra: Restless mind, intelligent, you will show extraordinary intelligence and knowledge on any matter of discussion.      

Jupiter in Pushya Nakshatra: Lucky, charitable, compassionate, cheerful, generous, happy, by nature but also quite lawful and concerned with security of family. May work in charity centers.

Venus in Pushya Nakshatra: Clingy and selfless in love, not good for relationship, compromise too much, weak in emotions, need to be strong in love matters.

Saturn in Pushya Nakshatra: Lawful, orderly, survivalist, serious mined, responsible for family, you resist any idea or work which is not ethical, any work entrusted to you do with the utmost sincerity and certainty.       

Rahu in Pushya Nakshatra: Learning to be peaceful in order to search for the true light.
Like to spend time with family members and stay at home and not good for career, May cause breaks in career.

Ketu in Pushya Nakshatra: Rejection of family life, feel lack in mother love. The right way of recognizing this past life lesson is to accept that the soul had to make difficult choices, which May lead to the path of spirituality after attaining materialistic pursuit. 

Birth Star (Nakshatra ) Astrology

Birth Star (Nakshatra ) Astrology

In Vedic Astrology the Zodiac is divided into 27 equal parts of 13 degrees 20” each being called a Nakshatra.  The Moon completes a circle of its path around the earth in about 27 1/3 days. The segment in which Moon lies at the time of one’s birth is called Janma Nakshatra (Birth star) of that person.  The position of the Moon in a nakshatra is used to identify the nature of the individual. Your birth star (Nakshatra) represent your mind, psychology, emotional well being and have significant impact on your personality and behavior.

Your Moon sign represents the sign where planet Moon is located when you were born. This is also called your birth 'Rasi'. Your birth Star is the star through which Moon is passing at the time of your birth which lies in the Rashi (sign).

Nakshatra and Rasi:

Nakshatras belonging to various Rasis are as follows:

1.  Mesha (Aries)
Ashwini, Bharani, Krittika (1st quarter)

2.  Vrishabha (Taurus)
Krittika (2nd to 4th quarters), Rohini, Mrigasira (1st and 2nd quarters)

3.  Mithuna (Gemini)
Mrigasira(3rd and 4th quarters) , Ardra, Punarvasu (1- 3 quarters)

4.  Kataka (Cancer)
Punarvasu (4th quarter), Pushya, Aslesha

5.  Simha (Leo)
Magha, Purva Phalguni, Uttara Phalguni (1st quarter)

6.  Kanya (Virgo)
Uttara Phalguni (2-4 quarters), Hasta, Chitra (1-2 quarters)

7.  Tula (Libra)
Chitra (3-4 quarters), Swati, Vishakha (1-3 quarters)

8.  Vrischika (Scorpio)
Vishakha (4th quarter), Anuradha, Jyeshta

9.  Dhanu (Sagittarius)
Moola, Purva Ashadha, Uttara Ashadha (1st quarter)

10.  Makara (Capricorn)
Uttara Ashadha (2-4 quarters) Sravana, Dhanishta (1-2 quarters)

11.  Kumbha (Aquarius)
Dhanishta (3-4 quarters), Satabhisha, Purva Bhadra (1-3 quarters)

12.  Meena (Pisces)
Poorva Bhaadra (4th quarter), Uttara Bhadra, Revati

Often People ask, what God should I worship? This is a personal subject that everyone should decide for themselves, which God they should worship. One way is to just go by their intuition. Your intuition will tell you based upon your past life, because your connection with God is not from this life but from past life also.

­Another important clue is look at your birth star. Each birth stars have their own vibrational energy which resonance with particular Gods. You can worship your birth star Deity or God related with them and this will helpful for evolution of your soul in this life journey.

Names of the 27 Nakshatras  and their God:

1) Ashwini: Birthstar will resonate with Ganesha, the Elephant headed God.

2) Bharani: Birthstar will resonates with Goddess Kali.

3) Krittika: Birthstar will  resonate with Kartikeya God.

4) Rohini: Birthstar will resonate with Goddess Laxmi.

5) Mrigasira: Birthstar will resonate with Goddess Parvati.

6) Ardra: Birthstar will resonate with the fierce form of God Shiva.

7) Punarvasu: Birthstar will resonate with Goddess Aditi.

8) Pushya: Birthstar will resonate with God Brihaspati.

9) Ashlesha: Birthstar will resonate with  God Vishnu.

10) Magha: Birthstar will resonate with Pitris.

11) Purva Phalguni: Birthstar will resonate with Shiv Lingam.

12) Uttara Phalguni: Birthstar will resonate with God Sun.

13) Hasta: Birthstar will resonate with  God Sun.

14) Chitta: Birthstar will resonate with God Vishwakarma.

15) Swaati: Birthstar will resonate with Lord Hanuman.

16) Vishakha:  Birthstar will resonate with Lord Muruga or Subramanya.

17) Anuradha: Birthstar that resonates with Goddess Saraswati.

18) Jyeshtha: Birthstar will resonate with Lord Subramanya

19) Moola: Birthstar will resonate with Goddess Kali.

20) Purva Ashadha: Birthstar will resonate with Goddess Laxmi.

21) Uttara Ashadha: Birthstar will resonate with Ganesha, the elephant headed God.

22) Sravana: Shravan star resonates with Lord Vishnu.

23) Dhanishta: Birthstar will resonate with Lord Shiva.

24) Satabhisha: Birthstar will resonate with  Lord Shiva.

25) Purva Bhadra: Birthstar will resonate with the fierce form of God Shiva.

26 ) Uttara Bhadra: Birthstar will resonate with Lord Vishnu or Lord Shiva.

27) Revati: Birthstar will resonate with Vishnu and Laxmi together.

Krittika Nakshatra

Krittika Nakshatra 

Krittika Nakshatra :Range 26° 40’ Aries to 10° 00’ Degree Taurus)
Ruling Planet: Sun
Deity: Agni, God of fire.
Symbol: flame or razor.
Gana (nature): Rakshasa (demon)
Animal symbol: Female sheep.
Sounds: Aa,Ee,u,aye.
PriMary motivation: kama, desire.

Krittika Nakshatra comes under the domain of planet Mars and Venus (Aries and Taurus) and ruled by planet Sun. The 1st pada (3° 20’) is in Aries with remaining 10° 00’ in Taurus). Krittika Nakshatra is the third Nakshatra called ‘’The star of Fire’’. The astronomical location of this lunar mansion is in the seven brightest star of the cluster of pleiades constellation form the Nakshatra Krittika. The Alcyone star is considered most beautiful and brightest star residing in the upper torso of the Bull. It represents the Dahana Shakti, the power to burn or to cut away negativity to get to the deepest truth. Krittika is ruled by Agni, the God of Fire. It has the power to burn (dahana shakti).  The primordial flame is the primary symbol of this Nakshatra, representing the purification by the sacred fire (yagna). When we eat food it get digested by the stomach and goes to the brain and what we ate our mind act according to that. The power of Krittika Nakshatra is to burn our bad karma through home (fire) rituals. Fire is the stomach of this universe and every seed connected with a planets. Our bad karma connected with planets, and when we throw seed into the fire it get burn into the fire and go's into the sky and purify our conscious.  Krittika Nakshatra burns up negativity, purifies our mind. Fire is the most purifying substance known.  

The ruling planet is Sun with the Agni, the God of Fire as the residing deity. The shakti of this lunar mansion is ‘the power to burn away the negativity to get to the truth”.  Krittika is also a transformative Nakshatra.  Krittika denotes capability to give a desired change in a form by burning out all the impurities of life or the wrongs and give birth to purity, morality and virtues. The Moon is exalted in this powerful Nakshatra at 3° of Taurus in this constellation. The other symbol for this asterism is a razor reflecting the cutting activity of this Nakshatra which can heal or destroy. Kritika is considered the Nakshatra where power is born. Krittika people are fiery, courageous and able to cut away the unnecessary to achieve their goals. They like to be highly ambitious and self-motivated. Logical, doubting mind, creative ability, enthusiastic, and brave are their typical traits. The first 3`20” of Kirtika falls in Aries, which brings in aspirations for radical changes in personal and social life. The remaining 10° 00’ of this constellation falls in Taurus giving gifts of fine arts, beauty, elegance and fashionable dress.

The shadow side of this Lunar mansions is having a cutting like quality. It has a rakshasa or demon nature with a primary motivation of kama or desire. Agni is the symbol of brightness and brilliance and all weapons with fire-power. And other things of this same category come within the range of Krittika group. This Nakshatra rules war, battles, and disputes with weapons. People with this Nakshatra have a cutting wit and can be sarcastic and critical. They are stubborn, aggressive and can be very angry. Those born under Krittika Nakshatra have strained relations with relatives and friends. However, these persons are gluttons, fond of foods, fond of opposite sex, misers, and worrisome nature destructive tendencies, a passive-aggressive personality, May have illicit affairs and attraction to others mates. The lesson of this Nakshatra is discipline over one’s desire nature and finding pleasurable activities that are truly healing and revitalizing.

Krittika Nakshatra Pada 1: Falls in Sagittarius Navamsa and is ruled by planet Jupiter. This pada is a highly moralistic and altruistic which connects it to one type of military pursuit or the other.  The person has strong willpower, strength and stamina.

Krittika Nakshatra Pada 2: Falls in Capricorn Navamsa ruled by planet Saturn. This pada relates to the strong sense of ethics but its vision is more material rather than mental or spiritual. Even its spirituality is expressed through matter.

Krittika Nakshatra Pada 3: Falls in Aquarius Navamsa ruled by planet Saturn. This is also a humanitarian and altruistic pada. It combines futuristic visions and ancient knowledge on a weave of fixed principles. This pada promotes all types of learning and can thus be called the University of the Zodiac.

Krittika Nakshatra Pada 4: Falls in Navamsa Pisces ruled by planet Jupiter. This pada has the ability to manifest its deep sensitivity on a material plane. It promotes group work of all types in a joyful, more creative under group situations in benevolent way.

Ascendant in Krittika Nakshatra: Dignified, proud, honorable, ambitious, skillful, wealthy, truthful, honest, wavering mind at times.

Sun in Krittika Nakshatra: Spiritual warrior, disciplined, leadership, power over the masses, issues with authority figures, need for seclusion, solitude, gift in music, dance and drama, angry temperament, destructive.

Moon in Krittika Nakshatra: Brilliant appearance, peaceful nature, famous, good adviser, strong willed, determined, intelligent, artistic, and have loved by mother.

Mars in Krittika Nakshatra: Independent, have good fighting ability, expert in handling weapons or explosives, romantic, high sex drive, easily excited, desirous, and May have jealous nature.

Mercury in Krittika Nakshatra: Learned and an expert in various religious scriptures May be a successful businessman, May also become a social advocate or philanthropist.     

Jupiter in Krittika Nakshatra: Brilliant mystic, seer, and spiritual teacher, Have interest in historical literature, famous, wealthy, noble, truthful, and well educated, and May have servants and vehicles.

Venus in Krittika Nakshatra: Have magnetic personality who is interested in music, fashion, apparel, beauty industries, and other fine arts. The person has a beautiful body and eyes, which will make him attractive to others.  

Saturn in Krittika Nakshatra: Impatient, May be work in an agricultural profession, May Marry an older woman while also having multiple affairs.

Rahu in Krittika Nakshatra: Rahu is an enemy of the Sun and has the capacity to eclipse it when placed in Krittika. This can mean a struggle with darker forces before you find the true light. Rahu in Krittika is in its exalted sign of Taurus and can use its power for the best of purposes. Rahu in Krittika can be either constructive or destructive.

Ketu in Krittika Nakshatra: Ketu placed in Krittika will feel uncomfortable with its inherent materialism, seeing this as the result of wrong choices made in previous lives. The challenge of this axis is to create positive results from past life or childhood experiences. 

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