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First (1st) Lord in Different Houses of Natal Chart in Astrology

First (1st) Lord in Different Houses of Natal Chart in Astrology

The 1st house known as rising sign or Ascendant (on deeper level the degree of the rising sign) show your basic nature. Your ascendant is the most important factor in the birth chart because it set your life. The sign on your Ascendant is your physical body, appearance, basic disposition, behavior, general well-being, and overall health. Your Ascendant sign is the style through which you express your spirit in the world.

Your ascendant, sets you on the wheel of time according to your past life karma. Your ascendant shows your unique nature in all areas of life. It represents the starting point on the path to self- discovery, early experiences, self-image, identity, self-expression, self-projection. What kind of person you are? What kind of things about yourself do you most identify with? How do you like people to see you, and what qualities do you like them to identify with you? The ability to make a first impression, it all depend on the ruling planet of your ascendant and where it is placed in the birth chart. Depending on the placement of the 1st lord in different house shows what you are like to explore those things of the house in your life time. 
1st lord in first house or in Ascendant  
When the first lord is placed in the first house, the person focus on the self. If the planet is in good dignity then the native is independent, strong sense of purpose in life, self-sufficient, leader, healthy, and vital, good stamina, blessed with good beginnings. If the planet is not in good dignity or weak then the person is selfish, not follow dharmic path, tendency to ignore others, self-seeking attitude can lead to multiple Marriages.
1st lord in the Second House  
When the first lord is placed in the first house, the person focus on the finance. If the planet in good dignity then the native effort result in profits, money handler, have good skill in money managing liquid assets, generous with money, impressive speaker, family, is a source of pride and devotion, speaks truth, good eating habits, strong eyesight and teeth. If the planet is not in good dignity or weak then the person is drained family money due to its selfish motives, money matters become problem, lack in attention to studies, poor diet and teeth, May have weak eyesight.
1st lord in the Third House
When the first lord is placed in the 3rd house, the person has determined personality. If the planet in good dignity then the native have good siblings, close friends, and neighbors which help them to progress in life. The person have friendly, courageous, have skill in writing, lecturing, and communicating, likes adventure, and sport, good artistic expression, have strong desire and motivation, and travel a lot close to the home. If the planet is not in good dignity or weak then the person tries hard to succeed, aggressive, have conflicts with siblings and neighbors, frustrated, effort go into waste, have no interest in personal hobby, neck, shoulder and hands problem, and anxiety problem.
1st lord in the Fourth House
 When the first lord is placed in the 4th house, he person        focus on the family. If the planet in good dignity then the native have interest in studies, have interest in real estate, has good home, clothes, and vehicles, has large amount of fixed assets, emotionally balanced, and strong, seeks, spiritual, development and does well with insurance. If the planet is not in good dignity or weak then the person have emotional problems, trouble or lack of support from mother, and family in general, breaks in education, have problem in attaining home, vehicle's, comfort, good cloths, inner peace, and May have chest or heart problem.
1st lord In the Fifth House
When the first lord is placed in the 5th house, the person focus on the speculation. If the planet in good dignity then the native carried lot of blessing from the previous lives, fame without effort, interested in spiritual practices and study of scriptures, knows to do right things, playful, likes games, and amusement, romantic, have good children, and intelligent. If the planet is not in good dignity or weak then the person feels restless, not able to meditate, or practice spiritual, trouble in romance and in dating, speculation fail, possibility of child loss, or trouble with children, and dishonest.
1st lord in the Sixth house
When the first lord is placed in the 6th house, the person focus on the service. If the planet in good dignity then the native have strong capacity to deal with opposition and adversity, comes out of conflicts, energetic, hard worker, have good skill in defending and protecting, have high sense of service, drawn to healing, good with animals, get benefits through mother’s siblings, and good resistance to disease. If the planet is not in good dignity or weak then the person is have struggle in life, Deceptive, gets into debt, has lawsuits and personal attacks, impatient, aggressive, takes especial diets, weak digestion or hyperacidity, prone to inflammatory disease, accident and injury prone, and May have problems with pets,
1st lord In the Seventh House
When the first lord is placed in the 7th house, the person focus on the partnership. If the planet in good dignity then the native have good skill in relating with people, have natural ability to bring pleasure to their partners, gets help from partners, gets an attractive and supportive partner, have strong desire to relate and intimate, partner is healthy and partner May bring wealth. If the planet is not in good dignity or weak then the person is interested too much in leasing others, loses their money on partner who became a burden on them, May face problems while traveling or while out of the country, high abnormal sexual desire, makes many partners, might become monastic in later life, and partner May suffer from many disease.

1st lord in the Eighth House
When the first lord is placed in the 8th house, the person has support to the self. If the planet in good dignity then the native is curious to know about hidden, ancient, mystical, and secrets things, gets good support from others, May win at gambling and lotteries, gets insurance, settlements, legacies, and alimonies, gets wealth from partner, have good sex drive, have good vitality, and have healing ability. If the the planet is not in good dignity or weak then the person is weak in health, sensitive, lack of support from others, victim of some unpleasant situation, lack of moral, shy in nature, lack of confidence, worried in nature, mentally imbalance, and lack of energy.
1st lord in the Ninth House  
When the first lord is placed in the 9th house, the person fortunate.  If the planet in good dignity then the native is lucky, ethical, good finance, interest in philosophy, truthful, gets support from parents, guru, and authority figures, gets higher education, does well in law and matters of justice, May work at university level of education, have travel for long distance, and has good credits from previous lives. If the the planet is not in good dignity or weak then the person lack in fortune, breaks in life, does not do well in college, parents have struggle in life, trouble with law and authority, not able to pursue spiritual practice, and May have trouble in long distance travelings. 
1st lord in the Tenth House
When the first lord is placed in the 10th house, the person works for self. If the planet in good dignity then the native is independent, self-sufficient, prefer to works for himself, self-starter, good success in career, have sense of life purpose, obtain good reputation, and position in life, plenty of personal power, leader, quality, and have plenty of valuable possession. If the planet is not in good dignity or weak then the person not able to work under others, lack in self-motivation for career, reputation is lowered by some unfortunate events, not able to raise in career and some position, father’s position is clouded, career problems, and May not get good boss.   
1st lord in the Eleventh House
When the first lord is placed in the 11th house, the person focus on the profits. If the planet in good dignity then the native have good cash flow, and profits, benefits from friend and influential people, profits in business, fulfills their dreams, partner’s blessing are magnified through spiritual practice and study of scripture, and gets lot of opportunity for profits and advancement, If the planet is not in good dignity or weak then the person is defraud or disappointed by friends and older siblings, poor cash flow, inability to fulfill desire, lack of opportunity, partner creates trouble with children and cause problem with speculation.
1st lord in the Twelfth House
When the first lord is placed in the 12th house, the person have unbounded existence. If the planet in good dignity then the native seeks spiritual life, have charitable nature, vs, and other places of confinement, travels to far off pilgrimages, volunteer, works in ashrams, hospitals, clinics, nursing home, correctional institution, able to derive much enjoy from sexual experience, possibility of enlightenment and sleeps well. If the planet is not in good dignity or weak then the person have poor health, May face many loses, financial problems, feels disconnected from the world, gets betrayed too generous, poor sleep, does not get much sexual pleasure, gets, fines, punishments, and penalties, secretive, May have problems with feet. 

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